How to contact Facebook customer service? Many users have this question on their minds. Calling 1-833-317-1221 or (650)543-4800 will put you in contact with a live customer support representative right away. The Help Center, the Report a Problem function, and direct 
contact forms are additional help channels. Through Commerce Manager, you can have a conversation with an advertising specialist if you are a Facebook advertiser or business owner. 1-833-317-1221 or (650)543 4800 We'll provide all of the support channels in this post so you can receive Facebook 
assistance whenever you need. 

650 543 4800 is the Facebook 24/7 Customer Service Number, You can also contact Facebook support through 1-833-317-1221 for Instant Response.  You can dial it anytime to get assisted from Facebook representative. You can also email at or Call at 1-833-317-1221.

Is 1 650 543 4800 a real number?

Yes, If the customer wants to raise any query or want to make any request about any Facebook Account, he/she can call at Facebook's toll-free number at 650 543 4800 or 1-833-317-1221. In case you need further assistance, please contact our Customer Care at 1-833-317-1221 or 650 543 4800 email us at

Is 650 543 4800 Facebook?
650 543 4800 or 1-833-317-1221 is the Facebook customer service phone number for 24/7 support. You need to call this customer support service of Facebook through the registered mobile number to know your account and other details associated with the account.

What is this number 650 543 4800?

650 543 4800 / 1-833-317-1221 is the Facebook Customer Care Number for users with inquiries, complaints, or support needs.  Facebook Users  can call the following  toll-free number 650 543 4800 / 1-833-317-1221 to get their queries or problem resolved 24×7.

What is 1 650 543 4800

650 543 4800 / 1-833-317-1221 is the Facebook customer service phone number for 24/7 support. You can call on this customer support number 1-833-317-1221 to connect with Facebook Support.

What is Facebook's phone number?

Facebook does not have a phone number for regular users to call. But 650 543 4800 is the Facebook 24/7 Customer Service Number. You can also call Facebook support at 1-833-317-1221 for Quick Response. Dial it anytime to get assistance from Facebook. Alternatively, You Can Email at or Call on  1-833-317-1221.

How can I contact Facebook support?

To Contact Facebook Support, you can follow the below steps:
Log in to your Facebook account or Call on  650 543 4800 / 1-833-317-1221.
On your Facebook Page, click on your profile icon on the top right corner of your screen.
Click on 'Help & support', select 'Report a problem'.
Choose 'Something went wrong'.

How do I talk to Meta support chat?

Visit the Meta Phone Number 650 543 4800 / 1-833-317-1221 (Call to Representative) at Choose the Relevant Article or Question. Tap on "Chat" option and In the bottom line at the top of left corner.

How do I contact Facebook about problems?

To report about a problem to Facebook please call  on 650 543 4800 / 1-833-317-1221 (accessible across USA).One option is to visit the Facebook Help Center 650 543 4800 / 1-833-317-1221 accessible through the website or app, where users can search for solutions to common issues or access additional support options at 650 543 4800 / 1-833-317-1221.