How do I contact Meta (Facebook) customer support?
You can contact Meta Facebook customer support directly via phone +1:804::312::5913 or by visiting the Help Center on the Facebook website or app. From there, you can find options to contact support through messaging, email, or chat.
What is the Meta (Facebook) customer service phone number?
Meta (Facebook) public customer service phone number is +1-804-312-5913 or 650~844~0800. They primarily offer support through their Help Center and other online channels.
Is there a Meta (Facebook) contact number for general inquiries?
Yes call Meta Facebook support immediately at +1-804-312-5913 or 650~844~0800 Meta Facebook customer service which is direct contact number for general inquiries. For most issues, it's best to use their Help Center or other online support options.
Does Meta (Facebook) have a 24/7 phone number for support?
Meta (Facebook) does not offer a 24/7 phone number for support. However, their online support resources are available 24/7 for assistance with various issues.
How can I contact Meta (Facebook) for urgent matters outside of regular support hours?
For urgent matters outside of regular support hours, such as account security issues, you can visit the Help Center and look for specific guidance on what to do in such situations.
Can I contact Meta (Facebook) through email?
Meta (Facebook) typically does not offer direct email support for general inquiries. It's recommended to use their Help Center or other online support options for assistance.
Where can I find the Meta (Facebook) Help Center?
You can access the Meta (Facebook) Help Center by visiting the Facebook website or app(or call Meta Facebook support at +1-804-312-5913 or 650~844~0800 directly) and navigating to the "Help & Support" section. From there, you can search for answers to common questions or contact support for personalized assistance.