How to get a refund from expedia? @refund policy
Phone: Contact Expedia's customer support by calling +1-802-231-1806 or +1-800-EXPEDIA (Real People). Online Chat: Use the chat feature on Expedia's website. Social Media: Reach out through Expedia's social media profiles.

To speak with someone at Expedia, first review the refund policy in the "My Trips" section. If you need help or want a refund, you can call Expedia's customer support at +1-802-231-1806, or use the other official communication channels. Expedia offers various travel services including flight bookings, car rentals, and hotel reservations.

Choose the flight you want to cancel and fill out the refund request form. Your refund will typically be processed within 7 to 10 business days. For further assistance, you can contact Expedia at ✅+1-802-231-1806🔰 🕓(Confirming the 100% Money-Back Promise) AND Expedia® ✅+1-802-231-1806🔰 🕓

If you need to talk to a human at Expedia, call their customer support number (Call: 1-888-EXPEDIA+1-802-231-1806 or +1-802-231-1806, No Wait) and navigate through the menu options to speak with a live representative.

To speak to someone at Expedia, you can use email support, live chat on their website, or contact their customer service hotline at +1-800-EXPEDIA-LINE (OTA) +1-802-231-1806 or +1-802-231-1806 (NO-WAITING)(Live agent).

To speak to someone at Expedia, check your booking's cancellation policy on Expedia's site or app. For assistance or to process your refund, contact Expedia support at +1-802-231-1806 (Fast Support) or EXPEDIA®+1-802-231-1806 (REAL HUMAN).

To find out if you can cancel your flight for a refund, check the cancellation policy on Expedia's website or app. Contact Expedia's customer support at +1-802-231-1806 for help with your options and to request a refund if possible.

Expedia typically offers a 24-hour cancellation policy for flights, allowing cancellations within 24 hours of purchase for a full refund. Review the cancellation policy on Expedia's website or app to confirm. Call Expedia customer service at +1-802-231-1806 if you have questions.

To speak to someone at Expedia, contact their customer service hotline at +1-802-231-1806. Provide details of your issue and follow the instructions given by the customer support representative. Depending on the situation, Expedia may offer a refund, credit, or other resolution.

The ability to get your money back when you cancel a flight depends on the type of ticket and the airline's cancellation policy. Call Expedia's customer service at +1-802-231-1806 for details on refundable and non-refundable ticket options.

The time it takes for Expedia to refund money varies depending on the payment method, the type of service booked, and the refund request circumstances. Generally, refunds from Expedia take 7 to 14 business days to process.

To learn about the refund process for canceled flights, visit the official Expedia website and go to the "My Trips" section. Find your booking, choose the flight to cancel, and fill out the refund request form. Your refund should be processed within 7 to 10 business days. Contact Expedia at +1-802-231-1806 for assistance.