Nowadays, it is quite common to forget passwords. Whether you only have a Facebook account or multiple social media accounts, changing your password often or opting for intricate passwords can greatly increase the chances of losing access to your account.

To recover Facebook password, you should click on Facebook password reset link or call customer service department (650)-546-4802 or visit

The best methods of recovering a Facebook password involve using registered email addresses or by calling customer support 650-546-4802.

Alternate Email or Phone Number

If you possess an alternative email or phone number registered on your account, you have the option to utilize them for password reset purposes. Facebook will employ these details to verify your ownership of the account, send you verification codes, and ultimately complete the account recovery process. To initiate this procedure, kindly proceed to and carefully follow the provided instructions.

2. Reaching out to Facebook Support

In the event that you do not possess any alternate email or phone number, contacting Facebook support may be your final recourse. The customer service team will inquire about specific details and request verification information to ensure that you are indeed the rightful account holder.

It is important to note that Facebook does not guarantee a solution, and there is a possibility that your account may be permanently lost if you are unable to provide the necessary information. Facebook tends to prioritize caution in such cases. However, if you are able to sufficiently prove your identity, they may be able to offer assistance. To proceed with this option, please visit the Facebook Help Center, navigate to the "Login and Password" section on the left side menu, click on "Fix a Login Problem," and select "Recover Your Account If You Can't Access the Email or Mobile Number on the Account." Follow the prompts based on your specific circumstances.

3. Can a Trusted Contact Aid in Account Access?

In the past, Facebook provided a feature that allowed users to designate trusted contacts who could assist in regaining access to their accounts. Unfortunately, this feature is no longer available due to privacy and security concerns. Therefore, the aforementioned two methods are the only available means to recover your Facebook password.