To start the cancellation of your Expedia flight, dial 855-526-0187, the committed client benefit number given by Expedia. Take after these steps for a consistent cancellation process:

Prepare Your Data: Some time recently making the call, accumulate all significant data related to your booking. This incorporates your agenda number, traveler subtle elements, and any other related data given in your booking affirmation email.
Dial the Number: Utilize your phone to dial 855-526-0187. Hold up for the call to interface and tune in carefully to the mechanized menu options.
Navigate the Menu: Upon interfacing, you may be displayed with a arrangement of menu choices. Take after the prompts to explore to the area related to flight cancellations. Regularly, this alternative is found inside the client benefit menu.
Provide Booking Points of interest: Once you reach the fitting menu choice, you will likely be provoked to enter your schedule number or give other recognizing data. Take after the enlightening to input the required subtle elements accurately.
Speak with a Agent: After entering your booking points of interest, you will be associated to a client benefit agent. Be arranged to clarify that you are calling to cancel your flight booking.
Verify Your Character: For security purposes, the agent may inquire you to confirm your character by affirming points of interest such as your title, mail address, or phone number related with the booking.
Request Flight Cancellation: Clearly state your purposeful to cancel your flight booking. Give the agent with any extra data they may require to find your booking and handle the cancellation.
Confirm Cancellation and Follow-Up: Once the cancellation is prepared, inquire the agent to affirm the cancellation and give you with a reference number for your records. Furthermore, ask almost any pertinent discount approaches or expenses related with the cancellation.
Note Imperative Subtle elements: Amid the call, make note of any imperative data given by the agent, such as the cancellation affirmation number and any informational for follow-up actions.
End the Call: Thank the agent for their help and affirm that the cancellation handle is total some time recently finishing the call.
By taking after these steps and reaching Expedia's client benefit at 855-526-0187, you can effectively cancel your flight booking and address any related concerns with the help of a agent.