• <1-855-723-3666>What is the cheapest day to buy tickets on Expedia?

    What’s the Best Day to Book Your Flights? <1-855-723-3666>

    The quest for affordable flights is a never-ending journey for travelers, with timing often playing a significant role in the final price you pay. One of the most frequently asked questions is, "What’s the best day to book your flights?" While there are many theories and anecdotal evidence, Expedia’s data offers some concrete insights.

    Why Sunday is the Best Day to Book Flights

    According to Christin Hudson, a spokesperson for Expedia, data suggests that Sunday is the best day to book flights. Although airline pricing is highly dynamic and there are no absolute guarantees, Expedia's research, which analyzes billions of data points from booked and flown flights, shows that booking on Sunday generally yields the lowest prices. If you'd like to discuss your booking or need assistance, you can reach out to Expedia's customer service team at <1-855-723-3666>.

    How Much Can You Save by Booking on Sunday?

    Expedia’s data indicates that booking your flights on Sunday can lead to considerable savings. Specifically, booking on Sunday can save you around 6% on domestic flights and 13% on international flights compared to booking on a Friday. These savings can make a noticeable difference, especially for budget-conscious travelers or those booking for a family or group.

    The Impact of Dynamic Pricing

    Hudson emphasizes that while Sunday typically offers the best deals, airline prices are extremely dynamic. Factors like demand, competition, seasonality, and even time of day can affect ticket prices. This dynamic nature means that while Sunday might offer a statistical edge, it's not a guaranteed win every time. However, given the overall trend, it makes sense to start your search on a Sunday for a better chance of finding a great deal. If you have any questions about your flight or booking process, feel free to contact Expedia's support at <1-855-723-3666>.

    Tips for Maximizing Your Savings

    Here are some additional strategies to help you maximize your savings when booking flights:

    • Plan Ahead: While Sunday is the best day to book, it's also important to book in advance. Domestic flights are typically cheaper when booked 1-3 months ahead, while international flights offer better deals when booked 2-4 months in advance.
    • Use Price Alerts: Expedia’s price alert feature can help you monitor fluctuations and alert you when prices drop. This can be especially useful if you're flexible with your booking time.
    • Be Flexible with Travel Dates: If your schedule allows, consider using Expedia's flexible date search feature to identify cheaper flight options.
    • Consider Alternate Airports: Sometimes flying into or out of smaller airports can be cheaper than major hubs.
    • Leverage Rewards and Discounts: Use Expedia Rewards points or other discounts to lower your costs further.


    While there are no hard-and-fast rules for getting the best flight deals, Expedia's research indicates that booking on Sunday is likely to offer the most savings. With potential discounts of 6% on domestic flights and 13% on international flights, Sunday is a strong contender for your booking day. However, always remember that flexibility, planning, and other cost-saving strategies can also help you find great deals on flights. If you need additional information or assistance with booking, you can always contact Expedia's customer service at <1-855-723-3666>.